MDNR's Spring River Initiative
The Joplin Globe, in it's headline "DNR Wraps Up Spring River Permit Check"(12/18/2010)reported that 13 out of 66 permits were initially found to be "out of compliance". The article reports that all but three of the discharge permit holders have been brought back into compliance. One, Carthage Crushed Limestone, has been referred for more 'aggressive enforcement'.
Here are links to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Spring River Initiative project.
News Release 506 - Spring River sampling and inspection initiative continues water quality emphasis, August 27, 2010. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Spring River Initiative, which began in June and will run through October, includes inspections and water quality sampling at 68 permitted facilities in Barton, Jasper and Lawrence counties. “The goal of this sampling and inspection initiative is to gather data to determine if discharges from permitted facilities are meeting water quality standards and are protective of the Spring River,” said Mark N. Templeton, director of the Department of Natural Resources. “In cases where facilities are not meeting the standard, this data helps us ensure the facility takes the proper corrective measures.” The inspection sites include industrial storm water facilities, permitted concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, land disturbance sites and domestic waste water facilities, some of which may discharge directly to the Spring River or the North Fork of the Spring River.
Total Maximum Daily Load Information Sheet - Spring River Water Body Identification No. 3160
Missouri Department of Natural Resources -Spring River - WBID 3160, Bacterial Data, 2005-07