Friday, May 28, 2010

Risky Recreation

The Joplin Globe, Risky Recreation- unsafe Levels of E. coli at area sites, Friday, May 28, 2010, reviews and compares this weeks water quality tests done in both Newton and Jasper County. The article states that 16 of 22 Newton Country (test) sites and 6 of 21 Jasper County sites had E.coli levels above the Federal limit of 235 colonies of E.coli per 100 milliliters of river water. Bob Kulp, Administrator of the Newton County Health Department and Tony Moehr, Director of the Jasper County Health Department, were both interviewed and quoted in the article.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 E. coli test Results Shoal Creek Watershed

The Newton County (Missouri) Health Department has resumed water quality testing in the Shoal Creek Watershed. They are sampling every 2 weeks. They have identified twenty-two different test sites on Baynham Branch, Beef Branch, Capps Creek, Carver Branch, Cedar Branch, Clear Creek, Hickory Creek, Spring Creek, Silver Creek, Thurman Branch, and Shoal Creek. Here is the link to their E. coli test data. Here is the link to a map of their test sites.

Site #/Stream-Creek Name (numerical)
#6, Shoal Creek at Tipton Ford CA
7, Cedar Branch on Old Scenic Road
8, Baynham Branch on Lime Kiln Rd.
9, Carver Branch on Lime Kiln Rd.
20, Shoal Creek at Old HWY E, Granby
21, Shoal Creek at Cherry Comers CA
23, Shoal Creek at HWY W, Ritchey
24, Shoal Creek at Smack Out Rd.
26, Capps Creek at Capps Creek CA
51, Hickory Creek on BUS HWY 60
52, Shoal Creek at Lime Kiln CA
68, Beef Branch on Cedar Rd.
88, Clear Creek at Walleye Rd.
93, Capps Creek below Jolly Mill dam
94, Shoal Creek in Wildcat Park
114, Silver Creek on 44th St.
115, Silver Creek in Wildcat Park
116, Thurman Branch on Gateway Dr.
117, Thurman Branch on Shoal Creek Dr.
118, Beef Branch on Cedar Rd.
119, Spring Creek in Reddings Mill
120, Shoal Creek upstream from Falls

Stream-Creek Name /Site # (alphabetical)
Baynham Branch on Lime Kiln Rd., #8
Beef Branch on Cedar Rd., #68
Beef Branch on Cedar Rd.m #118
Capps Creek at Capps Creek CA, #26
Capps Creek below Jolly Mill dam, #93
Carver Branch on Lime Kiln Rd., #9
Cedar Branch on Old Scenic Road, #7
Clear Creek at Walleye Rd., #88
Hickory Creek on BUS HWY 60, #51
Shoal Creek at Tipton Ford CA, #6
Shoal Creek at Old HWY E, Granby, #20
Shoal Creek at Cherry Comers CA, #21
Shoal Creek at HWY W, Ritchey, #23
Shoal Creek at Smack Out Rd, #24
Shoal Creek at Lime Kiln CA, #52
Shoal Creek in Wildcat Park, #94
Shoal Creek upstream from Falls, #120
Silver Creek on 44th St., #114
Silver Creek in Wildcat Park, #115
Spring Creek in Reddings Mill, #119
Thurman Branch on Gateway Dr., #116
Thurman Branch on Shoal Creek Dr., #117

For more information,contact:
Newton County Health Department
812 W. Harmony Street
Neosho, MO 64850
ph: 417-451-3743
fax: 417-451-1852
alt: 417-451-6549 Environmental Dept.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

E. coli test Results - Spring River 2010

The Jasper County Health Department began testing for E. coli bacteria in Spring River in May 2007. They selected seven sites for weekly testing, including: Spring River at County Road 3 (referenced as SR1), Spring River at County Road 85 (SR2), Spring River at Kellogg Lake-Carthage (SR3), Spring River at Francis Street-Carthage (SR4), Spring River at Quaker Mill on County Lane 216 (SR5), and Spring River at Kafir and State Line (SR7). The following are test results for 2009.

The test results are shown as # of colonies of E. coli bacteria per 100 milliliters of river water. The data in Bold indicates that the # of colonies are in excess of the maximum recommended by the US EPA for bodily contact, which is 235 colonies of E. coli per 100 milliliter of water sampled. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) recommends a maximum of 126 E. coli colonies per 100 ml. as the limit for "recreational" swimming and whole body contact, annually between April 1 and October 31. The data is arranged by sampling site, with the latest data 'on top'.

Spring River at County Road 3 (SR1)
10/06/2010, 129.6
09/29/2010, 114.5
09/23/2010, 148.3
09/16/2010, 517.2
09/09/2010, 2,419.6+
09/01/2010, 2,419.6+
08/25/2010, 48.7
08/17/2010, 88.4
08/11/2010, 66.3
08/04/2010, 58.1
07/28/2010, 70.0
07/20/2010, 56.9
07/13/2010, 1299
07/07/2010, 71.7
06/30/2010, 90.9
06/22/2010, 72.3
06/15/2010, 148.3
06/09/2010, 344.8
06/03/2010, 410.6
05/26/2010, 365.4

Spring River at County Road 85 (SR2)
10/06/2010, 74.3
09/29/2010, 93.4
09/23/2010, 73.8
09/16/2010, 435.2
09/09/2010, 1,986.3
09/01/2010, 101.7
08/25/2010, 82
08/17/2010, 88.2
08/11/2010, 77.6
08/04/2010, 86.2
07/28/2010, 579
07/20/2010, 43.7
07/13/2010, 866.4
07/07/2010, 77.6
06/30/2010, 75.9
06/22/2010, 69.7
06/15/2010, 235.9
06/09/2010, 150.0
06/03/2010, 135.4
05/26/2010, 248.1

Spring River at Kellogg Lake-Carthage (SR3)
10/06/2010, 51.2
09/29/2010, 191.8
09/23/2010, 86.2
09/16/2010, 579.4
09/09/2010, 1,203.3
09/01/2010, 42.2
08/25/2010, 26.9
08/17/2010, 27.8
08/11/2010, 53.8
08/04/2010, 64.4
07/28/2010, 1203
07/20/2010, 46.7
07/13/2010, 579.4
07/07/2010, 56.3
06/30/2010, 54.6
06/22/2010, 68.7
06/15/2010, 203.5
06/09/2010, 137.4
06/03/2010, 80.1
05/26/2010, 161.6

Spring River at Francis Street-Carthage (SR4)
10/06/2010, 95.9
09/29/2010, 101.7
09/23/2010, 113.7
09/16/2010, 547.5
09/09/2010, 980.4
09/01/2010, 98.5
08/25/2010, 13.7
08/17/2010, 35.9
08/11/2010, 28.7
08/04/2010, 30.5
07/28/2010, 727
07/20/2010, 47.3
07/13/2010, 488
07/07/2010, 129.6
06/30/2010, 32.3
06/22/2010, 49.6
06/15/2010, 90.6
06/09/2010, 119.1
06/03/2010, 103.4
05/26/2010, 184.2

Spring River at Quaker Mill on County Lane 216 (SR5)
10/06/2010, 52.9
09/29/2010, 78.0
09/23/2010, 98.7
09/16/2010, 360.9
09/09/2010, 1,119.9
09/01/2010, 547.5
08/25/2010, 44.1
08/17/2010, 32.4
08/11/2010, 86.2
08/04/2010, 37.9
07/28/2010, 290
07/20/2010, 648.8
07/13/2010, 686

07/07/2010, 88.8
06/29/2010, 75.9
06/22/2010, 125.9
06/15/2010, 238.2
06/09/2010, 260.3
06/03/2010, 98.7
05/26/2010, 113.7

Spring River at County Road 270 (SR6)
10/06/2010, 39.3
09/29/2010, 77.6
09/23/2010, 69.5
09/16/2010, 325.5
09/09/2010, 770.1
09/01/2010, 90.9
08/25/2010, 20.6
08/17/2010, 80.1
08/11/2010, 53.7
08/04/2010, 45.7
07/28/2010, 54.5
07/20/2010, 648.8
07/13/2010, 344.8
07/07/2010, 1046.2

06/29/2010, 59.4
06/22/2010, 66.3
06/15/2010, 100.8
06/09/2010, 162.4
06/03/2010, 88.2
05/26/2010, 131.7

Spring River at Kafir and State Line (SR7)
10/06/2010, 53.8
09/29/2010, 104.3
09/23/2010, 73.3
09/16/2010, 396.8
09/09/2010, 1413.6
09/01/2010, 214.2
08/25/2010, 49.5
08/17/2010, 121.1
08/11/2010, 47.1
08/04/2010, 43.5
07/28/2010, 81.6
07/20/2010, 461.1
07/13/2010, 727
07/07/2010, 665.3

06/29/2010, 74.9
06/22/2010, 67.6
06/15/2010, 325.5
06/09/2010, 166.4
06/03/2010, 93.2
05/26/2010, 104.8

For further information, contact:
Jasper County Health Department
105 Lincoln
Carthage, MO 64836
417/358-0494 (fax)