Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spring River Watershed Management Plan

The Spring River Watershed Partnership has announced that the Spring River Watershed Management Plan for HUC # :11070207140002 is nearing completion. Before submission to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for approval, the Spring River Watershed Partnership invites adjacent landowners to Spring River, the Citizens of Carthage and other interested parties to read the plan and add your comments. The comment period will last approximately 30 days, beginning December 21, 2009.

The Spring River Watershed Management Plan is available to download at . Once at this web address, you will see an icon to download the document and another icon to comment on the document. You will also be able to enter an e-mail address to receive future mailings that pertain to the Spring River Watershed Management Plan and any changes that will be made to the plan by the Spring River Watershed Partnership.

Your questions and comments are very important for the success of this document and the overall improvement of the Spring River Watershed. Sincerely, Spring River Watershed Partnership.