Friday, July 06, 2007

North Fork Watershed Cleaup Projects

The Carthage Press reports that the University of Missouri Extension Office, in Lamar, is inviting residents of Jasper and Barton counties to participate in a discussion regarding the future of the watershed drained by North Fork and the Spring River iself, including Carthage, Lamar and much of rural Jasper and Barton counties.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 @ 7:30pm
Wolf Center -Finely Room
801 E. 12th Street
Lamar, MO. 64759
Registration 417-682-3579

The purposes of the meeting include:
1. Become acquainted with each other.
2. Become more familiar with the watershed.
3. Introduce the watershed-planning concept.
4. Listen to the public's concerns and interest regarding the stream.
5. Solicit involvement in an ongoing watershed group.

Other sponsoring groups:
Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS)- Robert Paul, District Conservationist for Barton and Jasper counties
Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)-Greg Anderson