The Spring River Watershed Alliance met again this week to identify, and then prioritize the Best Management Practices (BMP) to be included in he group’s 319 Grant Application Plan. Representatives contributing to the process included, Jasper County Health Department, Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council, City of Carthage, Carthage Water and Electric Plant, Jasper County, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri Department of Conservation, Natural Resources and Conservation Service, Missouri Southern State University, and the Southwest Ozarks Stream Teams (SWOST).
Some items discussed included: Riparian Corridor improvement, encouraging Carthage residents to hook up to new sewer lines, complete a wetland study for a couple of Carthage’s storm water run off conduits, identify and get established commercial rain gardens, complete testing to identity animal/human sources of bacterial contamination, and work with SWOST to host a Carthage Area Water Festival and start new Carthage Stream Teams.
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